
下記までご連絡くださいますようお願いいたします。 |
受付時間:9:00〜17:00(12/31〜1/2 を除く) |
お問い合わせ・ご相談内容につきましては、お客さま対応や品質向上のために記録し活用させていただいております。また、販売会社等からご返答させていただくことが適切と判断した内容は、必要な範囲で情報を開示し、当該販売会社等からお客さまにご連絡をとらせていただく場合もございますので、あらかじめご了承ください。なお、当社における個人情報の取り扱いに関する詳細は、日産自動車ホームページ(http://www.nissan.co.jp)にて掲載しております。 |
We would like to inform you that the contents of your inquiry, consultation is kept on record to be used for improving our customer handling and quality. Also, we would like you to understand that there will be cases where we will inform our sales company etc. of necessary information and ask the respective sales company etc. to contact you for an issue which we determine is appropriate for them to handle. Details of our company policy regarding handling procedures of personal information is written in Nissan Motor Company Homepage (http://www.nissan.co.jp). |
Thank you for visiting the corporate Web site of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.. At this time, we cannot respond to customer service, retailer or product inquiries received via e-mail. To ensure that Nissan continues to provide you with the best possible customer service, if you have questions or comments about Nissan or any of our products, please contact us directly at the address below. |
Customer Relations Office
1-1,Takashima 1-chome,Nishi-ku,Yokohama-shi,
Kanagawa 220-8686,Japan
Toll Free Dial : 0120-315-232(Only in Japan)
English speaking operator is available during the following hours:
Monday - Friday (except national holiday)
9:00a.m. - 12:00 noon
13:00p.m. - 17:00 p.m. |